Posts Tagged 'Veil Spread'

Merry Samhain and Hallowmas

Carve out your jack-o-lantern, sip your pumpkin spice latte, strewn your fake cobwebs all about, tis the Season of divination!  Approximately six thousand years old (1), this holiday is a time of honoring the Ancestors and saying farewell to Summer.  Altars feature red flannel and the colors orange and black alongside pictures of loved ones who have journeyed to the other side.  While our Ancestors are free to roam between hither and yonder, we engage in customs of feasting and role play as we celebrate by eating candy in our costumes.  During these hours when the veil is thinnest, Tarot lovers all over the world sit down with their decks and communicate across the great divide.

No matter if it is by tarot, runes, crystal balls, or scrying with magic mirrors, All Hallows Eve is a holy day for coming face to face with spirit.  This day of remembrance is said to be the perfect time to commune with our transitioned love ones.

A tarot spread I like to do during this time or whenever I am in need of a supportive answer is what I call the VEIL SPREAD.


Card no. 1 can be drawn from the deck or carefully selected by you.  It represents you.

Card no. 2 is what is above you.  This card represents the conscious mind, what is on the surface.

Card no. 3 is what is beneath you.  This card represents the subconscious mind, what is underneath the surface.

Card no. 4 is what is behind you.  This placement represents hidden things in the past that affect the present.

Card no. 5 represents the future or what lies ahead.

Card no. 6 is help as guidance or warning.


  1. Ravenwolf, S. Halloween:  Customs, Spells, and Recipes.  Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn, 1999.