Archive for the 'Court Pentacles – Knight' Category


They often appear dynamic.  We see them in our deck sitting atop their horses, charging or marching forward into the unknown.  Of all the court cards, the Knight’s picture best displays momentum and action.  In the beginning of my Tarot studies, I used to wonder exactly what their place was and would often ask myself if a court card in a reading represented me or another person.  Over the years, I have learned that some Tarot readers refer to court cards as people (a person) and that the Knight in his iron clad garb represents a charming though often unreliable young man.  Another way I like to read the Knight card is thus:  Knights express the ideals of its respective suit.

The definition of ideal I am referring to is, a conception of something in its most excellent or perfect form that exist only in the Mind.  I say only in the Mind because the ideal the Knight upholds is not realized.  Sure, he seems confident, secure atop his steed but there is something about the Knight that is ungrounded and lofty.  His job is to make the way for change.  His path is the romanticized warrior who is a carrier of energy but not the originator of it.  Knights are vessels of desire and its pursuit.  Their message is a single minded focus where the suit (Wands, Swords, Cups, or Pentacles) determines the ideal’s intent.

In a reading, if coupled with a Page, the Knight receives grounding and the qualities he holds so highly can then be put to use.  When seen in a reading with a Queen the ideal feminized form of the suit is expressed.  Likewise, when seen with a King the ideal masculine form of the suit is expressed.

So, let’s say a Page of Pentacles appears in the reading with a Knight of Pentacles.  It allows for the Knights ideals to receive a practical foothold.  The Page of Pentacles expresses enterprise and business, while the Knight of Pentacles expresses making money, patience, and steadfastness.  The Queen and King of Pentacles follow traditional roles or more numinously the subconscious and conscious roles where the Queen of Pentacles would express the homemaker, inheritance and the King of Pentacles would express the bread winner, inheritance.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that in 2014 women can be bread winners.  So please, no comments regarding such.  My examples as to how I read Tarot are in westernized traditional roles.  In my opinion viewing the court cards in traditional roles allows a woman (for example) to identify herself as the King of Pentacles if she is a bread winner (a man to identify himself as the Queen of Pentacles if he is a homemaker) and not limit herself to only Queen of Pentacles when reading Tarot for self or trying to decide which court card best represents you.

Tarot to the Top


In the Trenches

The Prince of Pentacles is a valuable friend.  This energy represents what is loyal, steady, and thus stable.  On the flip side, he also represents what is slow.  Here is a picture I drew a couple of months back… however don’t mind me, us… we just spading out a row.

According to some Tarot Masters, the Prince of Pentacles is valuable because his energy “adds to” or “increases” all that is both beneficial and practical.

Provenance & Accountability

His nature is not so much to engage bloodshed in war, but moreso to enforce provenance and accountability.

Knight Pentacles, Ink on Paper, Art