Archive for the 'Court Wands – Knight' Category

Looking Up From A Bad Spot

This reading was done in relation to a 3 of Swords situation.

Looking up From A Bad Spot


Past – Knight of Wands

Present – Ace of Cups

Future – 9 of Wands

The Past

Knight of Wands usually depicts an untrustworthy or undependable person.  The source of his motivation is often flawed by actions that are geared toward obtaining what he wants.  He would be the type that would sell you something that was not real or has no real chance of manifesting, like a new age brand of magic beans when the other beans worked just fine for Jack.  It is not clear if he intends to be this way in this reading but the outcome is the same.    As 3 of swords depicts some sort of heartbreak, in its most romanticized form a love unrequited, to see this type of character phasing out is a good sign.

The Present

Ace of Cups ask us to relax and enjoy the positives in our life.  Activities that lead to emotional fulfillment are the tasks to occupy oneself with to increase a sense of health and wellbeing.  Spending time and talking with positive people will also yield good results that may help us feel like a more joyful person.

The Future

9 of Wands ask for us to be on the lookout for similar patterns that led up to the 3 of swords situation in the first place.  Be watchful that we are not making the same mistakes that will lead to allowing undependable people into our lives or participating in activities that drain us of our livelihood.  The watcher in this a card always looks battle worn because he has been tested and to fool him twice is not often easy to do.  Be confident in your ability to stave off things, people, and situations you consider to be ushers of nonsense.

Tarot To The Top,