Archive for the 'Ace Pentacles' Category

Love Without Truth is…

In the previous entry, the result of a tarot reading is present.  The subject of the reading was, “What is Love without truth? “  Via Tarot, the response to that question, in a word is: CONTROL

For someone to claim Love without living all permeating truth by being completely truthful in every way, is an attempt on their part to control their life situation(s) by manipulating the people in it.  It is a tactic used to remove the personal will(s) of others so that the lie they covet can rule both of your lives.

The tarot cards relate to the poem “Poet to Bigot” by Langston Hughes in the following manner:

Ace of Pentacles represents the Poet

Emperor represents the Bigot

The Poet’s ideas and views are free to grow because s/he can accept the revolutionary cycles of life/death, without losing hope, without deluding himself to the many facets of a life experience.  Whereas the Bigot, in attempt to control his/her domain, refuses to see validity in anything outside of his/her narrow view.

What is Love without Truth?

I had very well intended to simply post the results of this reading without words but eventually felt to do so would somehow be unfair.  I posed this question before the wheel that is ever turning.  The included two cards (Ace of Pentacles on top with Emperor underneath) and poem were shown to me:

"Poet to Bigot" by Langston Hughes
I have done so little
For you,
And you have done so little
For me,
That we have good reason
Never to agree.
I, however,
Have such meagre
Clutching at a
While you control
An hour.
But your hour is
A stone.
My moment is
A flower.

Ace of Pentacles and Emperor card are from the Rider Tarot Deck.  Pamela Colman Smith is the artist.

Ace of Pentacles

Root – Foundation – Protection – Tools


“Ma, pull out the trumpets and polish up the brass.  It’s harvesting time! ”

 The Ace of Pentacles (or Disks) heralds that a present from the origin of our world is manifest or manifesting.  Quality of the things constituting “our world” is of our own choosing.  Energy symbolically contained in the Ace of Pentacles does not pick or detail those experiences for us.  It is simply the ripening, collection and distribution of whatever that was seeded by the individual.

 Traditionally the four Aces in a standard tarot deck represent the four natural elements.  Ace of Pentacles is associated with the element Earth.  Ace of Cups is associated with water.  Ace of Wands is usually associated with fire and Ace of Swords is usually associated with air.

 *  There are some decks where the elements associated with the Wand and Sword suits are reversed.

Ace of Pentacles card is from The Halloween Tarot.  Kipling West is the artist.