Merry Samhain and Hallowmas

Carve out your jack-o-lantern, sip your pumpkin spice latte, strewn your fake cobwebs all about, tis the Season of divination!  Approximately six thousand years old (1), this holiday is a time of honoring the Ancestors and saying farewell to Summer.  Altars feature red flannel and the colors orange and black alongside pictures of loved ones who have journeyed to the other side.  While our Ancestors are free to roam between hither and yonder, we engage in customs of feasting and role play as we celebrate by eating candy in our costumes.  During these hours when the veil is thinnest, Tarot lovers all over the world sit down with their decks and communicate across the great divide.

No matter if it is by tarot, runes, crystal balls, or scrying with magic mirrors, All Hallows Eve is a holy day for coming face to face with spirit.  This day of remembrance is said to be the perfect time to commune with our transitioned love ones.

A tarot spread I like to do during this time or whenever I am in need of a supportive answer is what I call the VEIL SPREAD.


Card no. 1 can be drawn from the deck or carefully selected by you.  It represents you.

Card no. 2 is what is above you.  This card represents the conscious mind, what is on the surface.

Card no. 3 is what is beneath you.  This card represents the subconscious mind, what is underneath the surface.

Card no. 4 is what is behind you.  This placement represents hidden things in the past that affect the present.

Card no. 5 represents the future or what lies ahead.

Card no. 6 is help as guidance or warning.


  1. Ravenwolf, S. Halloween:  Customs, Spells, and Recipes.  Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn, 1999.

Free Tarot Telesummit

Free Tarot Telesummit Oct 17-24.

“Journey through the Minor Arcana with 20 powerful teachers.”

Free registration.

Click the link or visit –

Happy Birthday Libra!

This is your yearly forecast.

Autumn (Sept-Nov) The beginning of your birthday year meets you facing a bit of heartache, 3 of Swords. If you are in a relationship you may have hit a rough patch. If you are single then this may be a time to let something go. Remember that whatever you are letting go of at this time is necessary so that something new and fresh can come into your life. This time of sorrow may be short lived since your next card is the Sun. The Sun card is about happiness and success! This card is generally carefree. Greet October with open arms and let the heart ache you experienced in September allow room for something else that needs tending to in your life. Your next card is the Chariot. Discovering a new you or if you are happy with who you are don’t be afraid to kick it up a notch. The Chariot is all about outer appearances. Take the face you show others seriously, become fierce, as later on in the year you may be meeting someone new. Also take this time work on your finances and travel.

Winter (Dec – Feb) Welcome Christmas with the 2 of Pentacles. Now is the time to work on achieving balance. The past couple of months have dealt more or less with the outer you. During December make sure your inner world is just as tenderly cared for so that you are feeling just as fabulous as you probably look. Tis the season to give, don’t forget to donate a little to charity. If you are in a relationship the New Year should be a good period as love is indicated by the 2 of cups. Tap into your inner romantic. If your single and have your eye on someone take advantage of Valentine’s Day! Don’t be afraid to put it out there since your next card is the 8 of Wands you may receive an answer sooner than you think. 8 of Wands deals with messages of all kinds so be sure to use the month of February as a time to communicate your needs to the Universe. Let others know how much they are appreciated, and tell those you care about how much you love them.

Spring (Mar – May) This section of your reading is filled with court cards Page of Wands, Page of Swords, King of Pentacles. Look forward to being a social butterfly or take the next three months to discover the qualities of these cards within yourself. In March don’t be afraid of starting something new. Maybe you have been toying around with exploring a new venture or job. The Page of Wands is in support of that so go forth and be daring or at the very least, explore the mind by finding new ways to be creative. By April you will be ready to put some of your creative musings into some form of action. The King of Pentacles reminds you to manage your finances. If you took care to look after this aspect of your life earlier in the year you should be in good standings. With all of these court cards, know that the extra personal energy needed to get things done is there to assist you.

Summer (Jun – Aug) Libra, you will bring in Summer 2015 under the graces of the Queen of Wands, a passionate woman who is good to her friends. She is an admirer of the artistic pursuits and loves to be creative. Awaken a creatively festive side of yourself or be on the lookout for this new connection. If you happen to be having a spat with someone like the Queen of Wands, take care not to nit-pick the small stuff. Five of Swords will leave you feeling a bit deflated if you do or on the flip side you come across as being very brutish. You’ll end the summer under the auspices of the Hanged Man. August could be a game of preservation or may be time to shake things up to stave off stagnation and boredom.