Archive for December, 2009

This Mofo Think I’m Stupid

This card represents fueling relationships or ego in a negative way.  The difficult message in Five Swords highlights the negative side of freedom in diversity.  In my opinion, it would be great to live in a world where everyone is valued for who they are instead of who we need them to be in order for us to feel better about ourselves.

Five Swords is the card of a bully and/or insecure individual who can’t see the spoil in their own actions.  Regardless of the facts this card indicates adversity through engaging in combative response and/or aggressive advancement directed towards others who do not share the same world view. 

As I may have stated before in another post, the number 5 represents breaking out.  The sword suite deals with issues surrounding communication and intellectual pursuits.  In this card the two ideals clash and someone ends up getting hurt, often with little chance of recourse.

From the vantage point of western magic, Five Swords represent “defeat”.  That new world view epitomizes problems arising from socializing over the internet.  The World Wide Web is a platform for anyone who cares to step on it.  Its appearance has done a lot of good in the arenas of mass communication and expression, but on the flip side it has also bred social ills such as plagiarism and paranoia.  This contradiction in itself renders forward advancement as null. 

Sharing from my own cup, I have strong dislikes.  The feelings that these dislikes inspire are so strong that I choose to spend a large portion of my time in solitude.  The hard edge within my sensitive psyche won’t tolerate anything less since I do not have any desire to challenge, dominate, or devalue others.

My own personal imprint of this card carries a life lesson:  No matter how sound we believe our prejudices and dislikes to be, we CANNOT enforce our own personal codes of conduct and ideals on others.

Live and let live,

Mrs. Gray Divine

*Five Swords card created by Sandra Tabatha Cicero for Golden Dawn Magical Tarot.

High Priestess Come (Music – Repost by Request)


High Priestess Mix link has been updated.  High Priestess Come  (Clicking this link will open DJ’s file share page and player).  Enjoy!


Mrs. Gray Divine

Temperance: The Sagittarian Angle

The myth of Sagittarius passed down to us by the Greeks is a story that features their mighty hero Hercules and a centaur named Cheiron (Chiron).  In the version I am familiar with, the pantheon granted Cheiron immortality in appreciation of his vast wisdom and healing abilities.  Due to a snafu caused by spirits* the famous centaur was accidentally wounded by Hercules poison tipped arrow.  The wound inflicted by the poison arrow causes Cheiron to live out the remainder of his life in pain until his eventual death.  When the centaur died, as an honor the god of thunderbolts placed him in the sky as the starry constellation of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is link to key fourteen in the Major Arcana:  Temperance.  In my opinion the Temperance card is usually a picture that inspires some level of confusion in just about everyone.  It’s placement between 13 Death and 15 The Devil seems almost alien at first sight.  Temperance’s injection of tranquility between graveyard and dust may feel as if a trick is being played on us.  However, much like its twin in the zodiac belt, its appearance in the stream of awareness is easily misunderstood.

The figure in the card often appears androgynous.  The general feeling in Temperance cards always points toward the idea that the form beheld is that of an immortal or at the very least demigoddess or god.  Even when this alchemical angel is presented as female, her form is often notably statuesque, dare I say keenly Amazonian. Within her hands she holds two chalices juxtapose.  Fluid flows between the cups in a magical fashion.  No matter the angle, traditionally their contents always blend.  The card itself is often not clear if the figure is aware of the exact contents of the chalices she wields, but what is clear is that she knows what to do with them.

Looking at the card for answers we are not unquestionably certain where this automation comes from, however the solar disk or flower often shown atop her head is a clue.  Traditionally solar themes represent Will.  The appearance of the Temperance card in a reading inspires pondering to become clear on whose will is being processed and enforced.

The Temperance card represents a state between sub and surface terrains. It is the process of putrefaction, change on the subtle levels that allows one to ascend along the road of evolving archetypes.  Crossing the thirteenth gate of Death strips us of surface individuality.  Upon entering stage fourteen what we formerly perceived as self becomes tempered.  After the alchemical magic of Temperance takes place our interlinking spirit connection become stronger and we are better able to address the conditionings that keep our focus detrimentally grounded in the mundane world.  

*spirits in the article is “wine”

* Sagittarius Art © 2009, All Rights Reserved.