Archive for the '7 Wands' Category

7 Wands

7 wandsWhen I look at the Seven of Wands in the Rider Waite deck, I see a man posturing on an open field, holding onto a wand as if his life depended on it.  Below him six wands of uneven measure stand.   His face has an impassioned expression and if I stare long enough I can see a bit of fear behind his hollow point eyes. His knitted brow gives the mood of a pressing concern, his hair wispy in the wind.

This card is said to sometimes represent a martyr who is willing to be sacrificed for what he or she believes in.  To drive this point home, the card can sometimes be seen as a person wielding a wand against a mob.  Following this line of thought we can easily see him victoriously warding off his oppressors from his wonderful vantage.  However, if we remove the suggestion that others are holding the wands at his feet, we have simply a man with mismatched shoes, on a hill with seven wands at his disposal.

If he is making a fence he isn’t making a very good one.  The wands that stand before him look hastily planted; sloppy like his unmatched footwear.  Perhaps he is practicing on a tactical course.  Maybe he is preparing to plant the seventh wand or has been backed into a corner, and picked up a wand to defend himself with.  Whatever he is doing one thing is certain, his stance indicates movement.

When I view the card overall it reminds me to slow down and not do things in a hurry.  I am reminded of a cat cleaning itself, taking its time to lick its paws and smooth over a small section at a time until the job is finished.  To a Ceremonial Magician this card represents valour (valor) which in layman terms means, courage or bravery.

7 Wands card is from The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.  Pamela Coleman Smith is the artist.